My little Man has now decide to have a little separation anxiety or something.... For the past I'd say 2 weeks every time I drop him off in the morning He has a little freak out.
Here is how it goes " I Love you Mommy" "Hold Me" " Give me a kiss on the lips" " I Need a Hug" and he stalls and stalls.
I say" babe have fun today, I love and ill be back to get you in a little while"
He says "No Mom No"
" Dys Mom has to go to work I love you"
Then the real fun starts... who ever is watching him has to hold him as he is screaming and kicking and crying " No Mom No"
Wow it breaks my heart I wanna cry every day and the only way I can get out of there is to turn around plug my ears and run, otherwise I would never make it to work.
Ok so now here is the funny part... several times he has done this in the morning I go to pick him up and he doesn't want to go home. I say "Dys its time to go"
He says" Not yet Mom" and gets a little angery when I finally make him leave.
Oh the joys of being a Mom! Its the best most rewarding thing in thing in the world!!! I love it!!